Ager-Hanssen’s fake news ‘WhatTheFinance’ outlet EXPOSED

Caliston Digital founder Kostas Alekoglu What The Finance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

If you have been following the Ager-Hanssen saga closely you may have noticed one outlet in particular taking interest in the case, ‘WhatTheFinance’ and the ‘journalist’ Lucy Walker. The website was dormant from 2015 until 2023, when it re-emerged sharing AI-generated articles and summaries about shitcoins, until it began posting extensively about Craig Wright and Christen Ager-Hanssen. We can exclusively reveal that the website is in fact a paid-for fake news website ran by reputation laundering marketeer Kostas Alekoglu.

Caliston Digital founder Kostas Alekoglu WhatTheFinance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

Alekoglu, a former trance artist behind such hits as ‘Champagne with Feta’ and ‘Egoes in, Egoes out’ is also the founder of Caliston Digital, a company which offers marketing, web design and SEO services. He is also named as the managing director of ‘Social Media Limited’ which offers “reputation management services.” The Caliston website’s ‘about me’ page states they also trade under the brand ‘Digital Aesthetics’.


The so-called ‘Lucy Walker’ posted as recently as the 1st May on the Digital Aesthetics blog, in which her author profile states she is the social media manager for Digital Aesthetics. We found no evidence of Walker being a genuine person, nor any content she has produced outside of the ecosystem of marketing blogs run by Alekoglu.

Lucy Walker fake journalist WhatTheFinance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

We can reveal that ‘Lucy Walker’ is just one of the number of at least 35 accounts set up in the Alekoglu ecosystem. A previously given email address for Walker, lucywalker37@[redacted] is included in several datasets which are openly available online.

Several of these databases contain other identifying information, which we have used to conclusively identify a further 35 email addresses created by Alekoglu or his employees to act as sock puppet accounts for his various marketing clients. This is a similar method to how Byline Times was able to link the GB News presenter Dan Wooton to the ‘Martin Branning’ alias.

Furthermore, several of the Alekoglu-created emails, including Harleyhealthcentrehhc@[redacted] and higcapital@[redacted] are both listed clients on the Caliston Digital website.

Source: Caliston Digital Website

According to ‘Walker’s’ public LinkedIn page, ‘she’ also claims to have been a writer for a website called ‘check your chap’ between January and July 2020, which is a website devoted to erectile dysfunction and other male genitalia issues (we don’t judge here at Ager-Hanssen Exposed HQ and it might explain how Ager-Hanssen became aware of her services?)

Lucy Walker fake journalist WhatTheFinance Ager-Hanssen fake news website LinkedIn

What is interesting, however, is that the posts from that time were attributed to the username ‘lewisp2013’.

Also of note is ‘Walker’s’ colleague ‘Sophia Rogers’ leaving comments on the blog posts, further evidencing our theory of this being an ecosystem with fake users.

Sophia Rogers fake journalist WhatTheFinance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

When ‘WhatTheFinance’ first wrote about BSV in 2023, the author profile states it was penned by ‘Ahmed Dhaif’ whose public LinkedIn page also states he is a marketing executive at Caliston and Digital Aesthetics.

Ahmed Dhaif fake journalist WhatTheFinance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

Even if they are genuinely real people, which we are sceptical about, it doesn’t change the fact that ‘What The Finance’ is not an editorially independent website, it is a pay-for-play propaganda rag (and not even a very good one at that). Their ‘about’ page states:

Which is completely at odds with what we have uncovered. We conclude it must almost certainly be paid for by Ager-Hanssen, as who else would publish such utter tripe around the clock without being compensated?

And if you needed any more proof that Alekoglu was the puppetmaster behind the website, he was the domain’s original named registrar back in 2007 and has engaged with their content from his own Twitter account. The website was dormant from 2015 and was re-activated, rebranded and relaunched in 2023 when it began posting generic AI generated articles and summaries, except for the articles they publish about Craig Wright and Christen Ager-Hanssen…

whois record for whatthefinance showing it was registered by Kostas Alekoglu

Of course, we have no objection to one-sided websites, lest we at this parish also be accused of also pushing only one side, however, unlike WhatTheFinance and Alekoglu/Walker, we are not pretending to be an independent financial news website (we are explicit in our mission to expose the long-documented wrongdoing of a conman who tried to screw over somebody close to us).

Even Ager-Hanssen’s pals at DN Media have cottoned on to the fact he’s playing them, and have prefaced his claims with phrases such as “what he calls a whistleblower report” and “he claims not to have been able to defend himself” – as any legitimate journalist would do. DN media does give our little website a shout-out though, saying it’s Ager-Hanssen “getting a taste of his own medicine” and they helpfully share our explosive story of Ager-Hanssen being sued by Zhanna Shamalova, the ex-wife of Kyrill Shamalov who was the former son-in-law of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It seems our Viking is no longer a street fighter and has instead become a big crybaby!

If you also are interested in other differences, unlike Alekoglu, we do not bully or abuse any of our contributors, so if you have any further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form or on our Twitter page.

We’re sure Christen Ager-Hanssen and ‘Lucy Walker’ aka Kostas Alekoglu have a lot to discuss now and we look forward to their next interview! From their staff feedback, we think they’ll be like two peas in a pod!


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