Author Archives: Truth Teller

Christen Ager-Hanssen declared bankrupt (Again!)

Christen Ager-Hanssen has officially been declared bankrupt, we can reveal. At an open hearing held earlier today (19th August 2024), the judge dismissed Ager-Hanssen’s pleas for more time to pay and declared him officially bankrupt. Public filings confirm the bankruptcy order has been made: We understand from the hearing that Ager-Hanssen had been trying his […]

Fake billionaire Ager-Hanssen steals £1.1 million from single mother targeted by Putin

When we started this little website, we knew Ager-Hanssen was a serial chaos agent, but we never imagined we would be going to pixel with a tale of such blatant theft, unbecoming of a self-procliamed billionaire. Despite telling DN media in August 2023 he was worth at least £78 million, he had in fact only […]

Ager-Hanssen hires Tory-linked ‘Whistleblowing’ PR Vultures

Over the last few days we’ve had more tip-off’s about this than anything we’ve ever written about regarding the organisation which has thrown its weight behind Ager-Hanssen’s fake whistleblowing claim, WhistleBlowersUK, and its owner, Georgina Halford-Hall. We have seen evidence that shows the highly controversial organisation charges clients £100 per hour for their help and […]

Ager-Hanssen’s fake news ‘WhatTheFinance’ outlet EXPOSED

Caliston Digital founder Kostas Alekoglu What The Finance Ager-Hanssen fake news website

If you have been following the Ager-Hanssen saga closely you may have noticed one outlet in particular taking interest in the case, ‘WhatTheFinance’ and the ‘journalist’ Lucy Walker. The website was dormant from 2015 until 2023, when it re-emerged sharing AI-generated articles and summaries about shitcoins, until it began posting extensively about Craig Wright and […]

Ager-Hanssen sentenced to 10 months in prison for data theft

Since we published our story on how Ager-Hanssen tried and failed to launch a coup at nChain, we thought we’d write a little update on what we have learned since and the current state of play. Most importantly, the news of Ager-Hanssen’s sentencing. On Friday 3rd May 2024, Ager-Hanssen received a ten-month prison sentence. Ager-Hanssen […]

Misogynist bully Christen Ager-Hanssen has been harassing female celebrity influencers

Misogynist bully and entrapment scammer Christen Ager-Hanssen has admitted to harassing female celebrity influencers including Matilda Djerf and Hanna Schönberg, according to Swedish newspaper Borås tidning.  The paper writes that Ager-Hanssen’s spam marketing company, Addreax, has sent at least 40 threats against female influencers in a six-week period at the start of the year (although […]

Marriage Mis-Guidance

After we began publishing this website, we started receiving tip-offs in our Twitter DMs and via our contact form from the many people Christen Ager-Hanssen had wronged over the years. Several of these pointed to an avenue of work we had no idea he engaged in—’helping’ with divorce cases. We can exclusively reveal that Christen […]

“Big Data is the new oil”

A question we have been pondering recently is if, as we have already established, Christen Ager- Hanssen does not make money in businesses (as he is constantly running companies to bankruptcy), just how does he make any money? We believe we may have found at least part of the answer – by illegally harvesting data […]

Christen Ager-Hanssen’s failed NChain coup

When Christen Ager-Hanssen waddled up to Craig Wright at Ascot in June 2022, Wright was immediately intrigued by him. Ager-Hanssen, being the predatory individual he is, claims to have “done his research” and knew Wright would be in attendance. He approached him with a tailor made pitch that would change both of their lives. Ager-Hanssen […]

FlyMe (to bankrupcy!)

When Ager-Hanssen bankrupted yet another company, FlyMe, the writing had been on the wall from the beginning. As journalist Torbjörn Isacson put it: “Ager-Hanssen had a bad reputation on the Swedish financial market right from the start”. By this stage, despite claims about his net worth, he was bankrupted by the Swedish state after lying to […]