Misogynist bully Christen Ager-Hanssen has been harassing female celebrity influencers

Misogynist bully and entrapment scammer Christen Ager-Hanssen has admitted to harassing female celebrity influencers including Matilda Djerf and Hanna Schönberg, according to Swedish newspaper Borås tidning

The paper writes that Ager-Hanssen’s spam marketing company, Addreax, has sent at least 40 threats against female influencers in a six-week period at the start of the year (although the reports suggest there may have been around 80 through various sock-puppet accounts).

Obviously bitterly jealous and suffering from Napoleon syndrome, Ager-Hanssen seemingly has nothing better to do while he’s attempting to avoid complying with court orders from his latest failed scam at his mother’s basement in Stavanger, he has resorted to filling his days harassing and bullying powerful and successful women.

“Is this invitational trip reported to the Tax Agency?”, one comment states. Another: “The daily unmarked advertising for own brand” said another in a relentless barrage against the young women.

Ager-Hanssen admitted the reports to Swedish journalists, telling them he takes issue with people not overtly stating their posts contain advertisements.

“We think you should follow the existing EU directives and we get annoyed with influencers who don’t follow these rules. Then it is up to the Swedish Consumer Agency to do something about it,” he told the Borås Tidning newspaper – because of course, we all know Lord Justice Christen Ager-Hanssen is a stickler for following the rules [/Sarcasm].

Christen Ager-Hanssen pretending to be a judge at an illegal mock trial.

Since Ager-Hanssen is so fond of EU regulations, perhaps he could explain why his own scam marketing company, Addreax, is not GDPR compliant? Data controllers and processors in the UK need to register with the country’s Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Neither Addreax or Custos are currently registered. Since Ager-Hanssen is such a fan of telling tales, you can report him here.

The Addreax Gang

Perhaps the two lawyers he pays can advise him? Custos lawyer David Brookes, and Custos KC Zafar Ali should surely be helping him (Even if Ali is also not fond of rules, such as not holding illegal mock trials to coach a client into changing their evidence).

He told journalists it’s his policy to report every influencer’s post if he believes they have not reported paid promotion correctly.

Perhaps Ager-Hanssen needs to have words with Addreax Director Lars Jacob Bø, who works four days a week for Ager-Hanssen (who had made him nCHain deputy CEO) and one day for Bain Norway, as such an experienced Bain partner should surely know it’s illegal to not comply with data protection laws. Perhaps it’s because he’s in on the scam to sell data to big corporations like they were planning to with the Tory membership data.

Embarrassingly for the data gang, none of the brands they claim to work with claim to have even heard of Ager-Hanssen or Addreax…

The reports come from the Addreax-owned Metro Mode brand, which our toxic Norwegian bought in 2017 and bankrupted by 2020, although it still operates the spam student discount app Ager-Hanssen was trying to re-create for the UK’s ruling Conservative Party.

Addreax has a long history of warring with influencers. In 2020, their brand Adviral went bankrupt, after Ager-Hanssen put his criminal buddy Björn Olegård in charge. Olegård was sentenced to six months in prison for accounting fraud at Ager-Hanssen’s previous failure, FlyMe. Olegård now works as the ‘director of investments’ at the Custos Group, Ager-Hanssen’s other company which is currently being sued by the ex-wife of Putin’s former son-in-law.

Adviral was run into bankruptcy, owing 4.4 million Swedish Krona in debt, most of which was owned to influencers who had not been paid for their work.

The fact Christen Ager-Hanssen has been made bankrupt in Sweden several times for tax-related issues, makes it a bit rich he’s going after influencers like this – so what could his ulterior motive be? Perhaps he just hates successful women he can’t coercively control?

In the past, he is said to have told a waitress that “Making money makes me so horny.” Also, the last time he was bankrupted in Sweden for not paying his tax, the authorities put his house up for auction. Outbid by a younger woman, who clearly had more money than he did, he reportedly screamed “fuck you” at her.

We should add a warning here for anyone who is tempted to meet with him—he likes to intoxicate and covertly record people. He was a frequent visitor to the notorious Tramp nightclub in London, favoured by such characters as Prince Andrew and Harvey Weinstein.

You know what they say about birds of a feather… #MeToo