Worst year of his life?

Would you believe it’s been a whole year since our diminutive conman, Christen Ager-Hanssen, tried and failed to take over nChain.

Despite his brave face after he was fired, he has since been declared bankrupt, sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for theft and will be subject to arrest if he returned to the UK. He has lost all of his UK companies, been kicked out of the UK Conservative Party and then failed miserably when trying to become a local politician in Norway. Yes, really.

He claims this has been the worst year of his life, but given the last three decades, we have our doubts.

These are just the highlights of systematic failure.

NetSysTried a hostile takeover of parent company OpenText, published fake news to manipulate the stock price of OpenText, ended up losing in court and the company went bankrupt, with the Swedish pension fund losing hundreds of millions of krona. Pursued personally for tax evasion.
CognitionPromised to float on the stock market, never did, stole investor money. Went to war with investors. Chased by creditors for unpaid staff wages. He was placed into personal bankruptcy and lost his house and cars. He was also bankrupted in Sweden over unpaid tax.
FlyMeUsed company money to buy the investor’s company at an inflated price. Haemorrhaged money, lost their executives which were replaced by yes-men. Board refused to sign off on payments and put the company into bankruptcy. Ager-Hanssen, along with his lackeys were tried for fraud. Everyone, except Christen (somehow), was sentenced to prison.
Nordic OilSigned a deal with the Hinduja Group to buy 105 gas stations. The money never appeared and the deal fell through. The company auditor and half of the board resigned and the company was forced into bankruptcy.
MetroWent to war with the board and Kinnevik. Laid off all journalists in order to turn paper into a debate website wealthy people would pay to publish on. Tried to restructure company and was bankrupted by the Swedish tax agency.
StudentkoretAcquired as part of the Metro deal. Did not pay rent on the office leading to employees being locked out. Did not pay taxes, leading to being bankrupted by the Swedish tax authorities. Data and assets transferred to new company, Addreax.
RealtidAttempted hostile takeover, went to war with the board claiming corporate misgovernance. Claimed to be ‘whistleblowing’, but was rebuked by company founder who accused him of blackmail.
Johnston PressTried a hostile takeover and went to war with the board, which triggered a debt repayment clause Custos could not satisfy. Company placed into bankruptcy and bought by US hedge funds, leaving Ager-Hanssen’s shares worthless.
AdviralReplaced CEO with FlyMe yes-man who went to prison for fraud – ran into bankruptcy within a year, owing its influencers 4.4 million SEK.
nChainAttempted hostile takeover, went to war with the board, claiming corporate misgovernance. Claimed to be ‘whistleblowing’ and buys support from fake news outlets and fake whistleblowing support for pay firm.
Tried to buy his way in to the UK Conservatives who rejected his shit scam marketing app. He then failed to become a politician for his local Conservative party in Norway after they found our little website.

Still scamming…

Of course, we have no sympathy for Ager-Hanssen, but it’s sad to see he is still stringing along several people who still believe he’s a billionaire, despite going bankrupt for a few hundred thousand even after his cars were seized and his lackeys returned to doing Uber.

If you’re still sitting there taking the heat over his failed coup – Don’t hold your breath – he’s already moved on to his next scam! Don’t end up like Bjorn Olegaard, who went to prison for Ager-Hanssen’s fraud, and is now completely dependent on his job as the Custos tea boy.

His fake Rolex and Annabels membership must seem like a distant memory – but it was all on the nChain corporate credit card – he’s completely broke, and yes they were all the props of a seasoned grifter.

As he desperately clings to his fake “whistleblower” status, pretending he secured a judgement against Craig Wright as he claimed recently in his local newspaper despite the fact Judge Mellor explicitly stated none of his conclusions came from anything Ager-Hanssen had said or done.

Justice Mellor’s Judgement

Even COPA’s own legal team wanted nothing to do with Ager-Hanssen, and we understand they reported him and his team to the legal regulators.

His local conservative party and Norwegian journalists have serious doubts about him. County secretary Daniel Aamodt told DN media that Ager-Hanssen had written his own candidate biography and that he “googled him” and he “has not been interviewed by the nomination committee.”

In this day and age, with abundant access to the internet, nobody can claim they haven’t been warned about him!

Looking forward

Looking forward, if you have any information you think might help us protect his next mark – especially if you have information about Bjorn Maaseide or the Buffa family affair, feel free to drop us a message via our contact form or on our Twitter page! We’re still working through all of the material you’ve sent so far. As you can imagine, there’s a lot.